Nov 19, 2015

Never-ending Pregnancy

I'm sure many of you mommas out there can relate when I say that I feel like the last month or so of this pregnancy is just dragging on and on! Not only am I so excited to finally see our little girl, but I am so ready to be able to bend over and lay on my stomach again (and to down a margarita or two).

All of the complications with this pregnancy have also made things really tough. I ended up with another hospital stay- this one for 9 stinkin days. Thankfully I'm back home with my boys, but still on full bed rest. Bed rest with a one year old.. easier said than done! We're making it work though, and the fact that I've kept baby girl in for what will be 34 weeks in a few days makes it totally worth it.

Another frustrating aspect has been that I can't get up to work on her nursery :(. Thankfully my mom has been so amazingly helpful, and I can still sit and work on some projects. I've gotten a couple of things done for her collage, and I can't wait to see everything together:

Also, since I can't go shopping, I've spent more time than I'd like to admit shopping online. Babies R' Us had some adorable pieces (and all under $20!) that I couldn't help but buy: 

Besides that, life has been pretty boring around here. My C-section has officially been scheduled for December 7.. yeah holy crap.. so there is a ton to do before Charlotte makes her debut! The idea of a C-section is also so terrifying to me. I know women have them all the time, it's still just so unexpected and new that I'm trying to wrap my head around it. What I should be even more worried about is surviving with two children under two once we get back home. 

That's all I've got for now!