Sep 4, 2015

Exciting News!

After much debate and encouragement from our friends and family, me and my mom have decided to get our business going! We absolutely love creating custom, beautiful decor for events- particularly weddings. I've added a page to the blog for our business, Sweet Affairs. We're offering items such as chalkboard signs, "Mrs." hangers, bouquets, and more! Please take a moment to check the page out, as well as our Facebook page Sweet Affairs :).

Amidst the craziness of working full time and my best friends wedding (another post to follow with some pictures of her gorgeous wedding), Henry turned 10 months! I cannot believe our little guy is getting so big, and it just makes the countdown to number 2 even closer.. and more intimidating. 

Favorites: any food you will give him (besides squash), playing with mom's phone, and standing up! 
Crawling: everywhere.
Walking: any day now. I am just waiting for him to get the confidence to take off!
Mood: he's a very happy, sweet little guy. We've entered the separation anxiety phase though, so he wants momma close at all times. Doesn't make for much productivity, but it is super sweet. 
Teething: Four on top, three on bottom, and it looks like a few more comin in. 
Sleep: it's not great. He does have his random "sleeping all night long" miracles, but they haven't been happening too often. Some nights are every couple of hours but thankfully, it's usually just once a night that he's up. 
Hates: sitting still, not getting to stick things in his mouth, and when we don't make his food fast enough. 

Thanks for reading, and please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions for our business. We're so excited to see where this next chapter in our lives takes us!

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